A single character is normally entered, but up to seven are accepted.Ĭitation Markers Boxes (optional): Enter the markers to appear before and after the bibliography. The standards followed in the citations are SBLHS 2009 revision/SBLHS Student Supplement and Turabian 7th edition.Ĭontent Markers Boxes (optional): Enter the markers to appear before and after the body of the citation. For example, the author of a signed article cannot be reliably determined. The Bibliography includes as much information as Accordance can reliably extract from the wide variety of books and journals. The Bibliography area is displayed (labeled "Bibliography tool citation settings"). Open: Click Bibliography in the list of the Preferences dialog box. Use: Used to define the format of text and bibliographic references when copied as a citation from a Tool module Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles may also be referred to as content via the Edit menu ( Copy As), the shortcut menu ( Copy As>Bibliography), or using the shortcut keys ( –Ctrl– Ctrl+ C). Prerequisites for use: None this dialog box can be opened at any time. This is an old thread and it did get a bit hijacked but I thought I'd resurrect the OP's questions.You are here: Comprehensive Reference > Dialog Boxes > Preferences Dialog Box > Preferences: Bibliography Area Preferences: Bibliography I hope to learn this app well enough to create my own templates.

But I am getting more familiar.Īll the academic stuff (non fiction) templates don't really match the work I do so I haven't been using them. I too work with regular dead lines and I have yet to complete an assignment with Scrivener since I am still way down on the learning curve.
It does force one to "publish" a sharable version so it's something of a driver or a forced deadline. Editing changes can be done in the original but I usually end up staying in Word for "track changes" after that point. The compilation thing is something of a compromise given that once you've done it getting back isn't so easy. I also like the separate chapter concept where I can assemble things and jump in an out of a document without maintaining it in the OS directory system where it can be misplaced. Yes, cut and paste is available in any word processor package but maintaining a card like a paragraph appears to be the added value. Not to say I am a big user but moving chunks around on a page is useful to me.
I know we are supposed to be moving away from skeuomorphic features in software but the card image works for me. What attracted me was the arrangement of text and manipulation using index cards.

I actually bought the program even though it's British. I too have been searching for input on Scrivener as a technical writing tool. *Disclaimer: I haven't searched for an answer - I just want to be spoon fed this morning.
I'd actually be more than happy to download it and start playing with it - but at the end of the day - whatever I write - needs to export flawlessly to Word and. If it does all of the above nicely - then does it export to Word without error. Needs to support footnotes, bibliography, graphs/plots, relatively complex equations (multiple integrals, differentials, matrix notation, etc.) captions, outlining.etc. Think engineering thesis - as a good example. So, knowing there are quite a few tech types on this forum, has anyone used Scrivener to develop a technical paper. From the website - it looks very nice - but I don't have time to really download and experiment as my every weekend these days needs to be spent writing. Does anyone here have experience with this SW for technical writing? I just now happened to stumble across it - after seeing another thread asking a question about Word shortcuts - and then Martin posting a link to his "Rant" and then I skimmed a few comments - and there I was looking at Scrivener.